Center For Living Peace

Good Happens

Archive for the tag “Aids”

The Living Peace Series: The Charlize Theron Africa Outreach Project

Each day in South Africa children suffer from poverty, malnutrition, lack of clean water, HIV/AIDS outbreaks and a lack of books and equipment to help with their education.  All of these factors greatly hinder each child’s ability to learn, focus in school and are consequently, are unable to rise from the depths of poverty.

South Africa has the highest number of people in the world living with HIV/AIDS. Many parents die from this virus, causing an overwhelming number of orphans—1.4 million.  It is estimated that half of all of the orphans in the country are due to the HIV epidemic.

The Umkhanyakude District is one of most impoverished districts in South Africa.  Children in this area grow up twice as likely to become infected with HIV.

Charlize Theron’s Africa Outreach Project directly works to teach children and young adults how to use computers, how to stay healthy and how to avoid HIV/AIDS.

On Saturday, December 4, 2010, The Center for Living Peace and UCI will be kicking off the Living Peace Series with Charlize Theron speaking at UCI about her work with the Africa Outreach Project.  We are thrilled to have such an inspiring woman come share her work with us.

To find out more about the Charlize Theron South Africa Project click here.

To purchase tickets to see Charlize Theron speak about her work in South Africa, click here. Unfortunately, tickets are SOLD OUT! But stay tuned… we will be unveiling a surprise NEXT WEEK!

Good Happens.

Peace Grl Out.

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