Center For Living Peace

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Archive for the tag “Dalia Mogahed”

Dalia Mogahed: The Attitudes That Sparked Arab Spring

“[There is] a link between people’s faith in their democratic process and their faith that oppressed people can change their situation through peaceful means alone.”

-Dalia Mogahed

Dalia Mogahed , Executive Director and Senior Analyst of the Gallup Center for Muslim Studies, shares her thoughts on the Egyptian Revolution and the Arab Spring in her hopeful and inspiring TED talk. She explores it’s implications for self-empowerment of ordinary citizens, especially women. According to Mogahed, trends show that Egyptians are taking on a more active responsibility to bring a about peaceful change in their communities.

Egyptian native, Dalia Mogahed, is a member of Women in International Security  and serves on several intercultural advising groups to facilitate global and cultural understanding.

For more information on the Gallup Center’s work visit their website.

Good Happens.

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